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Android 4.4 KitKat might be available for the Galaxy S3 and Note 2 after all

samsung galaxy s3 gt-i9300 kitkat update

When Samsung announced the Android 4.4 KitKat update list last month, and several users were left enraged at the fact that the Galaxy S3 was nowhere on the list, it looks like there might be hope for an official Android 4.4 KitKat update for the Galaxy S3 as a leaked document indicates that KitKat will roll out to the international version of the Galaxy S3 next month somewhat between April-May, after the official launch of the latest flagship smartphone from Samsung, S5. The document, obtained from an trustworthy insider, details the Android 4.4 KitKat roll out for the Galaxy S3 as well as Galaxy Note 2.

The release date for the KitKat roll out is mentioned as April - May. It is likely that Samsung will roll out KitKat to the devices mentioned a few weeks after the Galaxy S5 becomes available. The Galaxy Note 2's model no. on the document is incorrectly listed as SM-N7100 instead of the GT-N7100. This could be an unintentional mistake from someone at Samsung or the worst it could be a fake document. However, legitimacy of the document can't be confirmed as  for now.

Last month when the International Business Times reported that Samsung user Ashif Poochengal asked whether or not the, "S3 GT-I9300 is going to get Android 4.4 Kitkat in UAE or not". Samsung Mobile Arabia commented in reply, "Hello Ashif, the Kitkat update will be available by the end of this month. Thanks for your patience."

Well, it looks someone at Samsung Arabia unintentionally gave out incorrect info as they've now either removed or changed the comment to "As of now there are no plans to update the Galaxy S3".

Samsung used to update its smartphones for 18 months after the release and that means they should stop sending updates for the Galaxy S3 in March 2014. But they might just make an exception for the Galaxy S3, its most sold high-end device though it might be the last update for S3.

In the end, there has been no official confirmation from Samsung. And, as we already said. the document could be a fake so don't get your hopes up. We’ll let you know once it’s ready, because it will definitely take its time until carriers approve it and start sending via OTA to the devices.

Android 4.4 KitKat might be available for the Galaxy S3 and Note 2 after all Reviewed by Unknown on 04:38 Rating: 5

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